A Murder of Crows ~ Susan Elizabeth Howe
Bevy of starlets casts them frail, quail-like, propelled by the current breeze. Shouldn’t we say an augmentation of starlets bursts onto Sunset Boulevar...
Bevy of starlets casts them frail, quail-like, propelled by the current breeze. Shouldn’t we say an augmentation of starlets bursts onto Sunset Boulevar...
Birdsong. Oboe’s Breath. Wind in the eaves, voice Of the sparrow someone says Is five notes I can’t count. Does The mind breathe or My lungs. Throb o...
He walks the alley, hammer in hand, and taps nails back into fences. Sometimes he is Dmitri, sometimes Anton. Other times, he doesn’t know. He scavenges ...
I believe in love, the sleepy engineer, and not in the headline describing one of love’s accidents: Crushed Between Two Empty Box Cars Hooking Up. It is ...
Fairbanks, Alaska Ten below and ice-mist on the river when “Oh,” she says, “a butterfly!” as it comes wobbling...
We no longer breathe for each other. No longer need that anonymous lip lock that for years spelled salvation. Strangers walked away from possible mouth...
I think of the things he doesn’t know, not yet, in his eight years. The feel of a chisel against oak, the smell of sage in Rivas Canyon, a winning jump s...
rather I’ll listen to the rain, a rich companion promising mutual benefits. After a drought or long absence, the god of rain can be steady or scary. Chaq...
His Persian family keeps artifacts. His favorite rests on a bookshelf in the living room. A clear vase. After the death of his aunt, he notices that it’s holdin...
Don’t buy dented cans. Don’t eat the contents of unsealed jars. The surest way to keep from drowning is to hold one’s head above the water. Take extra pr...