Jayne Marek has provided color cover art for Silk Road, Bombay Gin, and The Bend and for her two full-length poetry books—In and Out of Rough Water (Kelsay Books, 2017) and The Tree Surgeon Dreams of Bowling (Finishing Line, 2018). Her poetry and art photos appear most recently in Gulf Stream, The Cortland Review, Lunch Ticket, Shantih, The Lake, Raven Chronicles, Stonecoast Review, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Amsterdam Review, About Place Journal, and Notre Dame Review.
“This door at the Jama Masjid in Delhi attracted my attention for its number–in a nod to Douglas Adams–as well as for its sense of age and mystery. Slightly ajar, intriguing yet forbidding, this symbol of transition between public and private space is a reminder of things we must enter with our minds.”