The World In Which You Live, Just As It Is ~ Joe Wilkins
Pretend we’re brown horses with white like this on our noses. Pretend the wind catches only just our tails behind us. Pretend we’re sister &a...
Pretend we’re brown horses with white like this on our noses. Pretend the wind catches only just our tails behind us. Pretend we’re sister &a...
She was seated at the other end of the table, but to be polite—or to gain her attention— I asked what she hoped to study. I’d heard she was smart. And he...
I have wine in my hand and want wine. I’m surprised by the want To know better. I know Worse and still regard pleasure As fetching and necessary, though ...
Has summer yet spoken, even a whisper to the new soil on one of the humid sudden days? We are so far from rot—yet. The stalks and buds carry not simply s...
Boulder bluff with a golden finish. Lichen or not, a splotch of ochre. Mountain hemlock sprouting from a granite seam. Hold on, little one. Here, surely, a lodg...
cats with weeping eyes watch broody chickens guard the fragile sun and dust make her a fine halo my baby like Jesus knows I need saving woman why are you weep...
Two weeks revolve in prospect like a postcard stand. Your mother’s money’s gotten us a clean room near a school. She hasn’t much but means to help...
See the sun showers farther away, that spit across the channel bathed a bit more golden, like a dream—if you could get there from now. Start with the pho...
It is the single most studied artifact in human history, Since arriving in Turin in 1578, the Shroud has only been displayed a few times each century. My brothe...
Dear Ones—here we are, South of France, tucked into an old walnut mill retrofitted for Eurotourists looking for gastronomic thrills—duck breast steamed i...