Tina Schumann

Tina Schumann’s manuscript “As If” was awarded the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize for 2010 and will see publication by Parlor City Press this year. Her work received...

Chris Haven

Chris Haven’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in journals including Memorious, Relief, Fourteen Hills, The Normal School, and FUGUE. He teaches crea...

Robert Root

Robert Root is the author of Recovering Ruth: A Biographer’s Tale, Following Isabella: Travels in Colorado Then and Now, and The Nonfictionist’s Guide: On Readi...

Brett Foster

Brett Foster’s writing has recently appeared in Image, Kenyon Review, Poetry East, and Raritan, and his first book of poetry will soon be published by Nor...

Elizabeth Dodd

Elizabeth Dodd was just named a University Distinguished Professor at Kansas State University, where she teaches creative writing and literature.  Her most rece...

Rachel Toor

Rachel Toor teaches in the MFA program at Eastern Washington University. She writes a monthly column for The Chronicle of Higher Education, and a bi-monthly one...

Ingrid Wendt

Ingrid Wendt is the author of four full-length books and one chapbook of poems, and a book-length teaching guide. Co-editor of two anthologies, including the Or...