Marjorie Maddox

Professor of English at Lock Haven University, Marjorie Maddox has published Perpendicular As I; Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation; Weeknights at the Ca...

Theresa D. Smith

Theresa D. Smith received her M.F.A. in poetry from Purdue University, where she served as poetry editor for Sycamore Review, and her B.A. in creative writing f...

Thomas Reiter

Thomas Reiter’s most recent book of poems, Catchment,  was published in 2009 by LSU Press.  He has received an Academy of American Poets Prize as well as ...

A.S. Waterman

Amy Waterman has a master’s degree in writing with distinction from the University of Wales-Aberystwyth (UK).  Her non-fiction has been published in the FOE Qua...

Michelle Menting

Michelle Menting lives in Lincoln, Nebraska. Some of her recent or upcoming work can be found in Ampersand Review, Redactions, Superstition Review, Opium, and P...

April Lindner

April Lindner’s novel Jane, a contemporary retelling of Jane Eyre, is forthcoming from Poppy in October 2010.  Her poetry collection Skin received the 200...

Claudia Serea

Claudia Serea is a Romanian-born poet who immigrated to the U.S. in 1995. Her poems and translations have appeared in Meridian, Mudfish, Main Street Rag, Harpur...

Donald Morrill

Donald Morrill is the author of two volumes of poetry, At the Bottom of the Sky and With Your Back to Half the Day, as well as four books of nonfiction, The Unt...

Scott Withiam

Scott Withiam poems have recently appeared in Agni, AGNI ONLINE, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cimarron Review, Ploughshares, and Tar River Poetry Review. He lives and...

Susan Elbe

Susan Elbe is the author of Eden in the Rearview Mirror (Word Press) and a chapbook, Light Made from Nothing (Parallel Press). Her poems appear or are forthcomi...