Frannie Lindsay
Red Hen Press released Frannie Lindsay’s fourth volume, Our Vanishing, earlier this spring as the 2012 recipient of the Benjamin Saltman Award. Her first...
Red Hen Press released Frannie Lindsay’s fourth volume, Our Vanishing, earlier this spring as the 2012 recipient of the Benjamin Saltman Award. Her first...
Born in Seattle in 1979, Julie Marie Wade is the author of Wishbone: A Memoir in Fractures (Colgate University Press, 2010; Bywater Books, 2014); Without: Poems...
Rochelle Distelheim has published in The North American Review, Nimrod, Other Voices, StoryQuarterly,Salamander, Confrontation,The Mississippi Valley Review, an...
Over 36 years with National Public Radio, Neal Conan worked as a correspondent, producer, executive producer, editor, executive and may be best known as ...
Lawrence Coates has published three novels, most recently The Garden of the World in 2012. His short fiction has appeared in The Greensboro Review, The Long Sto...
T. R. Hummer’s 11th book of poems, Skandalon, will be released in August of 2014. He lives in Phoenix, AZ, where he teaches, herds cats, and worships the ...
Randy Nelson is a multiple-award-winning writer and teacher whose stories have appeared in many national and international publications. He’s currently t...
Three of Elizabeth Rees’s four chapbooks have won national contests, most recently: Tilting Gravity, (Codhill Hill Press, 2010) and Now That We’re Here; (...
Jeff Ewing’s writing has appeared, or will soon, in ZYZZYVA, Beloit Poetry Journal, Barrow Street, and Crazyhorse.
Vincent Reusch’s work has been published in Gettysburg Review, Madison Review, Alaska Quarterly Review and elsewhere. He was the winner of Roanoke Review...