Justin Hamm
Justin Hamm is the author of a full length collection of poems, Lessons in Ruin, and two poetry chapbooks. He is the founding editor of the Museum of Americana ...
Justin Hamm is the author of a full length collection of poems, Lessons in Ruin, and two poetry chapbooks. He is the founding editor of the Museum of Americana ...
Pam Houston is the author of five books of fiction and nonfiction including Cowboys Are My Weakness and Contents May Have Shifted. She teaches creative writing...
Diane Prokop is a former media specialist whose book reviews are published in Foreword Reviews magazine, and at various places online. She has written dozens of...
Jessamyn Smyth’s art has appeared in Red Rock Review, American Letters and Commentary, Nth Position, MiCrow/Full of Crow, Wingbeats: Exercises and Practic...
My home is flat-roofed late 1950’s rambler on a quarter acre corner lot in the town where I was born. Our yard is fully fenced with a large vegetable garden tak...
L.E. Miller’s work appears most recently in Nimrod International Journal, the Cimarron Review, and The Drum. Her previous contribution to Ascent, Peacocks...
John Picard earned his MFA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has published fiction and nonfiction in Iowa Review, The Gettysburg Review, N...
Maxine Rosaler’s fiction has been published in The Southern Review, New York Press and other small literary magazines. Work is forthcoming in Able Muse, ...
Katharine Coles’ fifth poetry collection, The Earth Is Not Flat (Red Hen 2013), was written under the auspices of the National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Ar...