Jennifer Lang

Jennifer Lang’s essays have been published in Under the Sun (“Things Lost, Things Found” nominated for Pushcart Prize 2017), The Citron Review, Hipp...

Robin Chapman

Robin Chapman’s newest book is Six True Things (Tebot Bach); her poems have appeared recently on Writer’s Almanac and in Flyway, Canary, and Alaska ...

Sharon Chmielarz

Kirkus Reviews named Sharon Chmielarz’s tenth book of poetry, The Widow’s House, one of 100 Best Indie books in 2016. You can hear a poem from it at www.sharonc...

Garret Keizer

Garret Keizer is a contributing editor of Harper’s Magazine and the author of eight books of prose, the most recent of which are Getting Schooled, Privacy, and ...

Pete Duval

Pete Duval is the author of Strange Mercies (Working Titles/Massachusetts Review) and Rear View (Houghton Mifflin), which won the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference...